Life Markers
Matthew 16:13-28

Song – Because He Lives
Homework Review: What did you OVER UNDERREACT to last week? (This week we will see Peter over-react!)
FOCUS: #1 Life markers – that time or those times when something big, maybe life changing, maybe direction changing,
maybe worldview – occurred.
13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man
is?” 14 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other
prophets.” 15 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son
of the living God.” 17 Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this
to you. You did not learn this from any human being. 18 Now I say to you that you are Peter , and upon this rock I will
build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of
Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in
heaven.” 20 Then he sternly warned the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah. 21 From then on Jesus began
to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many terrible things
at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but on the third day he
would be raised from the dead. 22 But Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things. “Heaven
forbid, Lord,” he said. “This will never happen to you!” 23 Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You
are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.” 24 Then Jesus
said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and
follow me. 25 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.
26 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?
27 For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their
deeds. 28 And I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in his


Life markers – that time or those times when something big, maybe physically life changing, maybe direction changing,
maybe worldview changing – occurred. It’s like a putting a stake in the ground, marking a spot you’ll never forget.

To get a feel for what we are going to discuss:
1) Where is a physical place or places that you consider a marker? Why?
1920 West 15 th PB, the neighborhood, the vacant lot, the ravine. Sheridan – Toler Addition – specifically my driveway for
basketball and the vacant lot beside Mr. Cox’s house for football. My grandparents farm in the greasy/ignorant bend –
2) V13-15 What MARKER was laid down?
Jesus question, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” Then: SLIDE “But who do you say I am?”
3) V16-17 What MARKER was laid down?
The confession of Peter, SLIDE “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
This question is the question for all people. This answer is the correct answer.
Seriously consider if you have laid down a marker for you life with this question and this answer …
>> that will continue to be the most important question and answer of your life now …
>> and > allow me to push a little …
>> and when you leave the safe (or controlled) environment that you’re currently in …
4) V18 Jesus lays down a MARKER about something new. What was it?
SLIDE I will build my church – 1 st time mentioned, only time mentioned in the Gospels, ekklesia – assembly of people
called out for a particular purpose.
QUESTION: How strong against sin/hell does Jesus say the church will be? all the powers of hell will not conquer it
QUESTION: So how strong is the church in America against the powers of hell? We need strong, solid, (a touch of
chutzpah) Jesus followers banded together to then go out boldly (a touch of chutzpah), in love , to the world.
5) V21-22 Jesus lays down a MARKER about something new. What was it?
About his SLIDE A statement about his Death, Burial and Resurrection
This is not a question. This is not a answer. This is a statement >> from the Son of the Living God, the Messiah.
I have a job to do and I’m going to do it. (He doesn’t say it yet but he’s doing it FOR US)
Seriously consider if you have laid down a marker for you life with this question and this answer …
>> that will continue to be the most important question and answer of your life now …
>> and > allow me to push a little …
>> and when you leave the safe (or controlled) environment that you’re currently in …
So far (markers): The question-“But who do you say I am?”
>> Answer-“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
>> Something Brand New to do >> the church (kind of dropped in there, Jesus is starting to ease them toward the future)
>> What’s he’s been given to do >> his death, burial and resurrection. FOR US.
INTERRUPTION TO STORY: Peter let’s his Chutzpah get out of control. It’s very plain V22-23
22 But Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things. “Heaven forbid, Lord,” he said. “This
will never happen to you!” 23 Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to
me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”

So Jesus, as rabbis do, uses this exchange to teach:
6) V24-26 What is Jesus teaching?
Another MARKER – SLIDE A Paradox – give up control & live sacrificially >> and you’ll gain everything.
Trust Me. Trust the story.
TABLE TALK: Get real, What are you afraid to give up control of?
Why do we even need ask the question? Because we don’t completely trust God.
Why do we self-medicate? With drugs, alcohol, food, entertainment, with him or her to save us? Because we don’t
completely trust God to help us work through the pain?
Jesus suffered a horrible, painful, slow death > and separation from his Father > for us. We can trust ourself with Him.
We can talk to him, we can tell him anything, we can tell him we’re mad. We can tell him we are mad at him, We can
complain to him. We can complain at him, where are you?
And at the end of the day we can know, we can trust, that he is there, and he loves us, we are ultimately safe in him
forever, eternity. Work on this through prayer, thru learning more about God, by looking back – you’re alive, I’m alive.
Jesus – The question-“But who do you say I am?”
Peter’s Answer-“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus – Something Brand New to do >> the church. FOR US, to bring the kingdom to earth.
Jesus – What I’ve been given to do >> die, be buried and rise from the dead. FOR US.
Jesus – here’s a marker for you, decide to give up control & live sacrificially >> and you’ll gain everything.
Trust Me. Trust the story.